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HomeShop80 is the India's leading online retailer, the most trusted brand markets world-class innovative products to Indian consumers at affordable prices offering full value for money!

HomeShop80 has marketed many path-breaking products such as Dhan Laxmi Kawach, Kuber Kungi, Nazar Raksha Kawach, Rashi Ratna,Slice Dicer, Shri Yantra, Navratan pendants,etc which have resulted in each of these products establishing itself as a new industry. beside these HomeShop80 is also offering the latest mobile phones and exciting accessories, now available in the India

HomeShop80 is driven by deep entrepreneur passion and an obsession to deliver innovations every single day. Highly qualified research teams, experienced sourcing, distribution, logistic and finance professionals, state-of-the art media setup and an extremely creative design team make HomeShop80 a completely back-integrated organization.